

The Crossing - Rider Times

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July 18
201 kilometres / 124 miles
de Cock 6h 54' 29.13
Dunsmore 7h 03' 28.51
Holland 7h 33' 26.62
Fedoruk 7h 23' 27.22
July 19
206 kilometres / 128 miles
de Cock 5h 48' 35.52
Dunsmore 6h 01' 34.24
Holland 6h 46' 30.44
Fedoruk 7h 21' 28.03
July 20
196 kilometres / 121 miles
de Cock 6h 20' 30.95
Dunsmore 6h 39'' 29.47
Holland 7h 32' 26.02
Fedoruk 7h 32' 26.02
July 21
163 kilometres / 101 miles
de Cock 4h 30' 36.22
Dunsmore 4h 28' 36.49
Holland 5h 19' 30.66
Fedoruk 5h 03' 32.28

July 22
187 kilometres / 115 miles

de Cock 5h 16' 35.51
Dunsmore 5h 10' 36.19
Holland 5h 36' 33.39
Fedoruk 6h 00' 31.17
July 23
199 kilometres / 123 miles
de Cock 5h 11' 38.39
Dunsmore 5h 14' 38 03
Holland 5h 56' 33.54
Fedoruk 6h 00' 33.17

Go To: Pacific Stage July 9 to July 16
Go To: Lakes Stage July 25 to July 30


Luke Bikerider
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